Copps Coliseum
St Joseph’s Healthcare
John Sopinka Court House= judges chambers
Hamilton Roman Catholic Diocese- bishop’s residence and Chancery
McMaster University- Mckay residence and Wallingford House
London Fairgrounds- Carnival Room?
City of Hamilton – Museum of Steam and Technology, Old City Hall Ancaster, Old City Hall Dundas
Whitehern Museum- historical recreation
Grimsby Archives
Siemens Westinghouse
Mohawk College
Hamilton Wentworth District School Board- complete school window blind replacements- Delta HS, Westmount HS. Saltfleet HS, Ancaster High, Waterdown HS, grade schools too may to mention including new builds in Binbrook and Stoney Creek
Arcelor Mittal Dofasco- a 25 year long business relationship
Stage curtains for many schools and churches